2012년 2월 14일 화요일

Strictly Ballroom

This movie reflection is based on the Australian romantic comedy movie named “Strickly Ballroom” in directed by Baz Luhrmann in 1992. This movie is based on passion, love, and competitive world of ballroom dancing. 

A maverick dancer, the main character in this film, Scott has been ballroom dancing and he won numerous competitions. He is a very passionate, ambitious, creative, and innovative but currently has inner conflict in which he risks his career by performing an unusual routine and sets to succeed with a new partner. Actually, his steps are not strictly ballroom. However, although he has got warning several times but he doesn’t want to change his belief, attitude, and behavior towards dance. Based on the social influence, Scott rebels against the rules of ballroom dancing and denies the conformity towards to the authority, the Australian Dance Federation.

Dance is an expression of time and space, using the control of movement and gesture to communicate. Dancing has physical, mental/emotional, social, and relational benefits. Physical exercises are especially beneficial to the process of overcoming anxiety and fear. Besides, dancing enhances non-verbal communication and teaches patience, understanding and being aware of one another’s cues. Through subtle changes in body movement, it can convey the desired emotions, for example feelings of satisfaction, frustration, love, fear, and pain. Scott is overcoming the oppression through dancing.

Scott’s father told, “The life lived in fear….. is the life to half life”. A lack of courage will bring a fear if people afraid of change mind or maintain ego in painful situation. However, sometimes, fear will inspire people to break their current limitation and empower them to achieve freedom. As a Scott’s dance partner, Fran seems meek and reckless. But, but I soon learn that she has courage and spirit.

Based on the Erikson’s stages of psychological development in life span, Scott’s mother, Shirley is in the 7th stage, generatively versus stagnation. In middle-aged people, work is essential and the primary concern is product. She works and contributes her life to community and educates next generations.

While Scott is very handsome and charismatic person, Fran isn’t so attractive and even immature facial features in the first part. Thus, she couldn’t get attention from Scott even though Fran loves him so much. Repeated exposure can produce a more positive attitude.
According to mere exposure effect suggested that the more Fran exposed the more Scott come to like her.

According to a goal setting theory of motivation states that goal setting is essential linked to task performance. Scott and Fran have same goals to be the winner in the Pan-Pacific Grand Prix Dancing Championship, Australia. The goals indicate give direction them about what they need to be done and how much efforts are required to be put in. Specific and clear goals lead to great output and better performance.

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