2012년 3월 5일 월요일

The Castle

“There’s no place like this Home”

This movie reflection is the Australian comedy film named “The Castle”, directed by Rob Sitch in 1997. In this movie, the main theme is the “love on family and house”.

The Kerrigan family is a typical Austrian family and living right next to the Melbourne airport. The Kerrigan’s home is filled with sweet love between family members and life satisfaction as well as pride in their modest lifestyle. However, the airport wants to expand on to their land, so their happiness is threatened.


The film is following that the most comfortable, relaxed and positive patriarchy, Darryl’s courage tried to solve the problems with humorous and warm through take his own house against the injustice regarding the airport expansion It was impressed when Darryl says that “house is more than just a structure of brick and mortar, but a home built with love and shared memories”. Moreover, Darryl repeatedly spoke in this film, “ a man’s home is his castle”.

Why people want to watch comedy film? Actually our life of today is so fast and full of stress so that there is barely time to laugh. “Comedy films act to change the temperament, mind set up, emotional back log and tensions of an individual and hence refreshes him/herself for taking the future challenges of life.” For that reason, everyone wants to laugh and have a positive and happy emotion as often as possible in reality. When we feel happy or sad, different types of chemical released in our brain.

According to mane emotion theorists, “Happy” is one of the “Big Six” emotions which include surprise, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. There are several neurotransmitters related to “Feel Happy”. Firstly, endorphin is good for mood elevating, enhancing, and euphoric. The more present the happier we are. Endorphins can be boost when exercise, laugh a lot, and takes indulge in chocolate. Secondly, dopamine is associated with motivation and the reward and pleasure center in our brain is helpful in fighting depression symptoms like anxiety, loss of interest, and withdrawal. Dopamine can be boost when play with your when play your favorite music, eat your favorite food, and go for a healthy lifestyle. Lastly, serotonin works to regulate sleep, reduce pain, and improve your mood. Serotonin can be boost when think happy, head outdoors, and eat smart. 

This family is seemed to look funny and somewhat ridiculous, but they must be the happiest and ideal family. As a father and husband, Darryl is very sincere, positive, and always encouraged his wife. The wife sacrificed her energy and time just for family with joy. The children also obeyed well to their parents without any complains. Happy families make happy home. They showed many happy family traits, such as big laughter, warmth, humor, high commitment, strong bond of relationship, positive and healthy communication, have family time together, and so on.This film reminded me again how the home and family are important for us.

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